This is a information page for ”Holy Ghost Travel Agency” (HGTA)… HGTA is about the gifts of the Holy Ghost mentiond in the Bible. One of those gifts is about beeing able to travel physical and spiritually from one place to the other while doing the work of God, with the help of the Holy Ghost.
”When they came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit took Philip away. The man from Ethiopia did not see Philip again. He went on his way full of joy. 40 Philip found himself at the city of Azotus (Ashdod, south of Israel). Then Philip went through all the towns as far as the city of Caesarea preaching the Good News at each place.” Acts 8:39-40
More info in the video below:
Join the group for more info and updates etc: P.s you don´t have to join the minds network to see the info but ofcourse it´s easier to follow if you do.
Rumble Video Channel for HGTA with different videos:
More videos and testimonies about this subject:
Arrey from Camerun living in Sweden talks about beeing moved from Sweden to Africa in the spirit to heal a boy involved in witchcraft in the name of Jesus…